Fast paced world, more and more conscious consumer society, deals made on mobile. Gain advantage and fit to the latests customer needs in the market. Nowadays all businesses depend on software solutions as a lot of processes can be covered with relatively simple applications – handle all of them in one platform at Salesforce’s App Cloud. Skip infrastructure implementation and start right from designing your application then roll it out in a couple of weeks, profit from your investments faster. The revolution of applications has arrived.

Outstanding project results using App Cloud:

+70 % faster development
+48 % IT cost saving
+52% quicker system integration
+55% faster configuration, install and design


Better business results. Established technology background.

Let apps on the most modern platform provide solutions for your complex business challenges. React to marketing demands agile. Enhance efficiency and employee satisfaction with easy to use solutions connected to mobile and tablet surfaces. Replace huge spreadsheets, automate the steps of long negotiations supported by up-to-date technology background. Productivity of employees can be extremely accelerated with niche solutions you have never thought before.

Solutions for all departments.

Salesforce is more than just a CRM or Sales & Marketing solution, App Cloud can deliver automated process handling for IT responsibilities: project management, quality control and software license management. Perks can be maximally used in wide range of other departments too, from HR to Finance.

Closer to the customer.

In the time of awakening customer consciousness, end users expect to use professional apps, websites in their private life – effective enterprise systems are just one of the major focuses. Moreover AppExchange app store provides over 3000 extensions for Salesforce: Dropbox, Google and many other popular services can be embedded to your app.

Fluent dataflow between multiple systems.

Data is one of the most important value for a company, do not rebuild years of work and great functionalities of multiple systems from scratch. The platform can work efficiently with every web based or on premise IT solutions which means data can be displayed in Salesforce from other sources: SAP, Oracle, Microsoft are just a couple of examples. Cloud based platform technology – PaaS- fits exactly our modern IT world. Every applications from Salesforce’s infrastructure can be part of a corporation unified ecosystem.


Build applications that nobody has:
all company and industry need a solution for their special processes.

App Cloud often fills the gaps left by the decades and brings appropriate fixes for long term issues. Moreover, simple functions can be made with a couple of clicks plus drag and drop actions via Lightning App Builder.
Automate business with apps working on both desktop and mobile which are also can be integrated with SAP or other back office systems.


Gartner Magic Quadrant – Enterprise Application Platform as a Service Worldwide

Salesforce is not just a SaaS pioneer, but a leader in PaaS as well with its mature group of services like Lightning platform, Heroku and vibrant app store.

The Forrester Wave – Low-Code Development Platforms

Salesforce’s strength as a low-code development platform is the ability to extend and enrich customer data managed in its Saas apps.

Gartner Magic Quadrant – Mobile App Development Platforms

Multiple tools to take the lead and drive innovation to the enterprise with new apps even on mobile. Salesforce has a strong vision for MADP.

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